I am setting up an object detection pipeline based on recently released tensorflow object detection API. I am using the arXiv as guidance. I am looking to understand the below for training on my own dataset.
It is not clear how they selected the learning rate schedules and how that would change based on the number of GPUs available for training. How do the training rate schedule change based on number of GPU's available for training? The paper mentions 9 GPUs are used. How should I change the training rate if I only want to use 1 GPU?
The released sample training config file for Pascal VOC using Faster R-CNN has initial learning rate = 0.0001. This is 10x lower than what was published in the original Faster-RCNN paper. Is this due to an assumption on the number of GPU's available for training or due to a different reason?
When I start training from the COCO detection checkpoint, how should the training loss decrease? Looking at tensorboard, on my dataset training loss is low - between 0.8 to 1.2 per iteration (with batch size of 1). Below image shows the various losses from tensorboard. . Is this expected behavior?