I'm trying to perform object detection on a custom, relatively easy dataset (with ~30k samples). I've successfully used Faster_RCNN with Resnet101_v1 (final mAP 0.9) and inception_resnet_v2 feature extractors (training in progress). Now I would like my model to run faster but still keep good performance, so I'd like to compare the ones I have, with SSD running with various versions of mobile_net. However, to know which changes in performance come from SSD and which come from the feature extractor, I'd like to also try Faster-RCNN with mobile_nets. It's also possible that this yields the tradeoff I need between performance and inference time (faster RCNN being good and slow, and mobile_nets fast).
The original MobileNets paper mentions using it with Faster RCNN, and I guess they used the tensorflow model detection API, so maybe they've released the files to adapt MobileNets to Faster RCNN ?
How can I make mobile_nets compatible with Faster-RCNN?