
My data in excel sheet look like below,

Exam Required Held
Maths A3 A2
Science A2 A3
English A1 A1
Social A3 A2
Test1 A1 A1  
Test2 A1 NA

I want to create a graph in tableau in this way, enter image description here

I want A1,A2 and A3 as values only so that I can take count of Required and held in same bar.

Please suggest any approach to achieve this.

Either you can exclude NA or keep only A1,A2,A3 by right click on valuesMehul Katara

1 Answers


I believe you would like to have something like this:

enter image description here

I just duplicated rows in your sample to make it easier to look at. held count is a count([Held]). same for the Required.