
I'm working on a scatter chart with highcharts. The chart renders just fine, but when I click on the legend to toggle any one of the series, the whole chart becomes very slow. It works on chrome (takes a good 15 seconds to load), but on safari, it times out. If I switch my 'type' to line, the legend toggle becomes nice and swift again. So, is there something about the highcharts scatter chart that I need to look into? FYI I also tried the booster on the highcharts API, but it doesn't work for me. This is the code I use in the legend:

legend: {
        width: 0,
        enabled: true,
        itemStyle: {
                'cursor': 'pointer'

Here is my fiddle.


1 Answers


Disabling animations made it toggle quickly for me.

options.chart.animation = false;