We are using Highcharts and have some complex charts with roughly 75 series within on chart. The series are not used through the whole chart but only for range of three month. So we have about 15 series per year and the overall chart covers five years (makes roughly 15*5 = 75 series). However Highcharts displays all 75 charts within its legend. The goal is to minimize the legend to the visible series only. We are able to determine the related series in JS code and we tried to toggle the 'showInLegend' flags of the related series e.g.
chart.series[24].options.showInLegend = false
but without effect. We tried to redraw the chart using
but that has no effect...the legend remains unchanged.
So the questions are:
- is it possible to redraw the legend based on the updated showInLegend options?
- is there mechanism in Highcharts to dynamically updated the legend based on the visible series?