
I want to copy data from the last row of my master sheet which populates using a google form and paste it into a new sheet that is created when a form is submitted. Now, I want the new sheet to automatically put certain text in specific cells and copy data from the last row in some specific cells. Example-: The master sheet

now i want to copy the data in cell b2 (assuming 2 is the last row) to newly created sheet in the cell b1 from cell c2 to b3 from cell d2 to b4 from cell AL2 to h20 and so on. I am new to google appscript. Any help would be appreciated.

From my understanding, you try to get the last line in your first sheet and put it as column in the second ? Or maybe I understand it wrongly ?Pierre-Marie Richard
I put text data in a column and other data in a table.Yogesh Dangi

1 Answers


I don't what you meant by and so on. But here's the instructions that you specified so far.

function copyMasterToNewSheet()
  var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sht=ss.getSheetByName('The Master Sheet');
  var rng=sht.getDataRange();
  var rngA=rng.getValues();
  var row=rngA[rngA.length-1];
  var newsht=ss.insertSheet(row[0]);//It's name is the TimeStamp

You would need to hook this up to the on Form Submit trigger.