
New to Java scripting so looking for some help, I am designing a Holiday spreadsheet with two sheets

  • a master sheet that contains each department’s team member’s (Sheet 4)
  • a Holiday sheet so users can input their teams holidays (Sheet5).

I have found a script that will insert a row or delete a row in Sheet 4 and Sheet 5, but I now need a script that will copy the contents of a newly inserted Row in sheet 4 and paste the data over to newly inserted row in sheet 5 in the same row as sheet 4.

For example if I add a row say in A10 in sheet 4 and put a Capital “Y” in A10 I would like the data from B10 to I10 to copy over to sheet 5 in row A10 to NJ10. I tried to find a solution to this but I can’t get it to work using the Copyto command.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

function onEdit(e) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet5 = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet5');
  var sheet4 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet4");
  var values1 = sheet4.getRange("A:A").getValues();
  var values2 = sheet4.getRange("A:A").getValues();
  var values3 = sheet4.getRange("A:A").getValues();
  // This starts off the remove and Insert Row Code
  var deleteRow = new Array(); // Part of remove and Insert Row Code
  var insertRow = new Array(); // Part of remove and Insert Row Code
  var copyPaste = new Array(); // Copies to Sheet5  
  for (var i = 0; i < values1.length; i++) {
    if (values1[i] == 'D') {
      deleteRow.push(i + 1); // This line was added for debugging purposes.
      var X = sheet4.getRange(i + 1, "2").getValues();
      var response = Browser.msgBox('WARNING!!  You are about to Delete the record for', X, Browser.Buttons.YES_NO);
      if (response == "yes") {

      } else {
        Browser.msgBox('Cancelled', 'The operation has been cancelled', Browser.Buttons.OK);
  for (var i = deleteRow.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  for (var i = deleteRow.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  for (var k = 0; k < values2.length; k++) {
    if (values2[k] == 'I') {
      insertRow.push(k + 1); // This line was added for debugging purposes.        
      sheet4.getRange('A:A').clearContent(); //Removes "I" to stop code repeating

  for (var k = insertRow.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
  for (var k = insertRow.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
  for (var m = 0; m < values3.length; m++) {
    if (values3[m] == 'Y') {
      copyPaste.push(m + 1); // This line was added for debugging    purposes.        
      sheet4.getRange('A:A').clearContent(); //Removes "Y" to stop code repeating
  for (var m = copyPaste.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
  for (var m = copyPaste.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) {

function onEdit(e) {
 // so 56930421_04
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var mastername = "Sheet4";
  var master = ss.getSheetByName(mastername);
  var hols = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet5');

  // get the range for Master and the data also
  var masterLR = master.getLastRow();
  var masterRange = master.getRange(4,2,masterLR-3,8);
  Logger.log("DEBUG: MASTER range = "+masterRange.getA1Notation());
  var masterData = masterRange.getValues();

  // get the last Column for hols for use in setting the update range
  var holsLC = hols.getLastColumn();
   Logger.log("DEBUG: the last column on Hols = "+holsLC);

  // display event objects - two mwthods displayed here
  // Method#1

  // Method#2
  // var debug_e = {authMode:  e.authMode,range:  e.range.getA1Notation(),source:  e.source.getId(),user:  e.user,value:  e.value,oldValue: e. oldValue};
   //Logger.log("DEBUG: AuthMode: "+debug_e.authMode+", Range: "+debug_e.range+", source: "+debug_e.source+", user: "+debug_e.user+", value: "+debug_e.value+", old value: "+debug_e.oldValue);

  // get the column, row and sheet name of the edited cell
  var editColumn = e.range.getColumn();
  var editRow = e.range.getRow();
  var editSheet = e.range.getSheet().getSheetName();
  Logger.log("DEBUG: editted Column = "+editColumn+", editted Row = "+editRow+", edited Sheet = "+editSheet);

  // set variable
  var firstdatarow = 4;

  // create if statement
  // iF the edited row is between firstdatarow and the last row
  // AND
  // IF the edited column is Column#1  (Column A)
  // AND
  // IF the edited sheet is Master
  if (firstdatarow < editRow && editRow < masterLR && editColumn == 1 && e.value == "Y" && editSheet == mastername) {

    // do something
     Logger.log("DEBUG: do something");

    // get the employee name
    var empname = masterData[(+editRow-4)][0];
    Logger.log("DEBUG: The employee name is "+empname);

    // create an alert to confirm
    var result = ui.alert(
      'WARNING!!  You are about to Update the holiday record for '+empname,
      'Are you sure you want to continue?',

    // Process the user's response.
    if (result == ui.Button.YES) {
      // User clicked "Yes".
      ui.alert('Confirmation received.');

      // build the data to be pasted to Sheet5
      var holsData = [];
      for (var i = 1; i<54;i++){ 
        for (var x = 1; x<8;x++){
        Logger.log("DEBUG: hols = "+holsData+", length = "+holsData.length);
      Logger.log("DEBUG: Progressive holsData = "+holsData+", length = "+holsData.length);

      // create the range for Sheet5
      var target = hols.getRange(editRow,2,1,(+holsLC-1));
      Logger.log("DEBUG: the target range = "+target.getA1Notation());

      // update the values to Sheet5

      //Removes "Y" to stop code repeating

    } else {

      // User clicked "No" or X in the title bar.
      ui.alert('Permission denied.');

      //Removes "Y" to stop code repeating
    // don't do anything
    Logger.log("don't do anything");

Might you have forgotten to mention what library you are using? For example PHPExcel. Doesnt look like youre using plain vsnilla js.Zim84
I haven't quite understood the code. But the if statements need to be changed. Try: values1[i][0] == 'D' values2[k][0] == 'I' values3[m][0] == 'Y'ADW
Thanks for the replies, I am using Google Sheets for work Zim84 but very new to the coding side of the application.Colin
ADW, I have made the changes to my IF Statements. I think the problem is the last two For Loops, nothing copies over to Sheet5 but I also do not get an error message and the script does not crash.Colin
Welcome. Would you please clarify some things? 1) "found a script that will insert a row or delete a row in Sheet 4 and Sheet 5" Is this the onEdit(e) in your question? 2) Do you use this OnEdit(e), or is it intended as a basis for developing new code? E.g. the code deletes rows, would you confirm that you want to delete rows from "Sheet4"? 3) "data from B10 to I10 [copied to] sheet 5 in row A10 to NJ10". There are 8 columns between "B10" and "I10" but many more between "A10" and "NJ10". Please confirm the target range for "sheet5".Tedinoz

1 Answers


Event objects Though you elected to use an onEdit trigger, you didn't use any of the event objects automatically generated by the onEdit(). This would have allowed you to simplify your code and create a definitive IF statement to validate whether "Y" was entered in the correct column, row, and sheet.

Code development You evidently re-defined your goals as you developed your code; including (eventually) unnecessary steps to delete, insert and append rows. This had the effect of complicating your code, for example the three identical variables created for sheet4.getRange("A:A").getValues();

Pushing array values You hit upon the right strategy to update "Sheet5" when you began to push values onto a temporary array. In this answer, I created two nested loops to build the necessary values. The first loops for 53 weeks and the second loops for 7 days - so the array is built up a week at a time for 53 weeks.

The code described in this answer is just one approach. There are likely to be other ways for you to achieve your goal. I've also left a number of Logger.log() statements in the code; you may wish to use these identify values at different stages of the function.

function onEdit(e) {

  // so 56930421_04
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var mastername = "Sheet4";
  var master = ss.getSheetByName(mastername);
  var hols = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet5');

  // get the range for Master and the data also
  var masterLR = master.getLastRow();
  var masterRange = master.getRange(4,2,masterLR-3,8);
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: MASTER range = "+masterRange.getA1Notation());
  var masterData = masterRange.getValues();

  // get the last Column for hols for use in setting the update range
  var holsLC = hols.getLastColumn();
  // Logger.log("DEBUG: the last column on Hols = "+holsLC);

  // display event objects - two mwthods displayed here
  // Method#1
  // Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e))

  // Method#2
  // var debug_e = {authMode:  e.authMode,range:  e.range.getA1Notation(),source:  e.source.getId(),user:  e.user,value:  e.value,oldValue: e. oldValue};
  // Logger.log("DEBUG: AuthMode: "+debug_e.authMode+", Range: "+debug_e.range+", source: "+debug_e.source+", user: "+debug_e.user+", value: "+debug_e.value+", old value: "+debug_e.oldValue);

  // get the column, row and sheet name of the edited cell
  var editColumn = e.range.getColumn();
  var editRow = e.range.getRow();
  var editSheet = e.range.getSheet().getSheetName();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: editted Column = "+editColumn+", editted Row = "+editRow+", edited Sheet = "+editSheet);

  // set variable
  var firstdatarow = 4;

  // create if statement
  // iF the edited row is between firstdatarow and the last row
  // AND
  // IF the edited column is Column#1  (Column A)
  // AND
  // IF the edited sheet is Master
  if (firstdatarow <= editRow && editRow <= masterLR && editColumn == 1 && e.value == "Y" && editSheet == mastername) {

    // do something
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: do something");

    // get the employee name
    var empname = masterData[(+editRow-4)][0];
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: The employee name is "+empname);

    // create an alert to confirm
    var result = ui.alert(
      'WARNING!!  You are about to Update the holiday record for '+empname,
      'Are you sure you want to continue?',

    // Process the user's response.
    if (result == ui.Button.YES) {
      // User clicked "Yes".
      ui.alert('Confirmation received.');

      // build the data to be pasted to Sheet5
      var holsData = [];
      for (var i = 1; i<54;i++){ 
        for (var x = 1; x<8;x++){
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: hols = "+holsData+", length = "+holsData.length);
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: Progressive holsData = "+holsData+", length = "+holsData.length);

      // create the range for Sheet5
      var target = hols.getRange(editRow,2,1,(+holsLC-1));
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: the target range = "+target.getA1Notation());

      // update the values to Sheet5

      //Removes "Y" to stop code repeating

    } else {

      // User clicked "No" or X in the title bar.
      ui.alert('Permission denied.');

      //Removes "Y" to stop code repeating
    // don't do anything
    Logger.log("don't do anything");