
I have implemented Oauth2 using spring-security-oauth. I used password and refresh-token grant type.

The flow is user first presents username and password and after verification, authorization server provides refresh token. Using that refresh token, I get access token with which I can use to access protected resources.

    protected static class AuthorizationServerConfiguration extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter implements EnvironmentAware {

        private static final String ENV_OAUTH = "authentication.oauth.";
        private static final String PROP_CLIENTID = "clientid";
        private static final String PROP_SECRET = "secret";
        private static final String PROP_TOKEN_VALIDITY_SECONDS = "tokenValidityInSeconds";

        private RelaxedPropertyResolver propertyResolver;

        private DataSource dataSource;

        public TokenStore tokenStore() {
            return new JdbcTokenStore(dataSource);

        private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

        public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints)
                throws Exception {

        public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
                    .scopes("read", "write")
                    .authorities(Authorities.ROLE_ADMIN.name(), Authorities.ROLE_USER.name())
                    .authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
                    .accessTokenValiditySeconds(propertyResolver.getProperty(PROP_TOKEN_VALIDITY_SECONDS, Integer.class, 60))
                    .refreshTokenValiditySeconds(propertyResolver.getProperty(PROP_TOKEN_VALIDITY_SECONDS, Integer.class, 120));

        public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
            this.propertyResolver = new RelaxedPropertyResolver(environment, ENV_OAUTH);



Note: I have used JdbcTokenStore, Please check above code. Whenever new access token is created/removed, I want to execute a method and want to run some code. How to do this? I am new to spring security and oauth, please suggest me the way to achieve this. Is there any filter or interceptor that I can add for this?


1 Answers


You could implement your own TokenStore or extends existing one (InMemoryTokenStore, JdbcTokenStore, JwtTokenStore) and add your code in storeAccessToken and removeAccessToken