I am developing a login system for my Android application using Spring Boot and Spring Security OAuth 2.0.
My starting point is the following demo repository: https://github.com/royclarkson/spring-rest-service-oauth. In the demo you can find the following setup:
OAuth2 client:
.authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
.scopes("read", "write")
Method to fetch the access token in its tests:
private String getAccessToken(String username, String password) throws Exception {
String authorization = "Basic " + new String(Base64Utils.encode("clientapp:123456".getBytes()));
String content = mvc
.header("Authorization", authorization)
.param("username", username)
.param("password", password)
.param("grant_type", "password")
.param("scope", "read write")
.param("client_id", "clientapp")
.param("client_secret", "123456"))
return content.substring(17, 53);
Every test in the project provides works perfectly but I want do things differently and I am having trouble doing so. As you can see the demo client defines a client_secret
(which is also used in the tests) but a client_secret
is really worthless in an Android environment, I can not guarantee its 'privateness'.
See https://apigility.org/documentation/auth/authentication-oauth2:
If we are using a public client (by default, this is true when no secret is associated with the client) you can omit the client_secret value;
and see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-31#section-2.1:
Public: Clients incapable of maintaining the confidentiality of their credentials (e.g. clients executing on the device used by the resource owner such as an installed native application or a web browser-based application), and incapable of secure client authentication via any other means.
So what I have done is removing the secret in the client configuration:
.authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
.scopes("read", "write")
Also adapted the getAccessToken(...)
private String getAccessToken(String username, String password) throws Exception {
String authorization = "Basic " + new String(Base64Utils.encode("books_password_client:123456".getBytes()));
String content = mvc
.param("username", username)
.param("password", password)
.param("grant_type", "password")
.param("client_id", "books_password_client"))
return content.substring(17, 53);}
But when I use this new setup my tests fail, I can't get an access token, I keep getting an HTTP error 401 Unauthorized.
. Did you come up with a way that didn't require this? – Stefan Falk