
I have a discriminated union like this:

Type Result =
| Good of bool | Bad of bool

In many cases I know that result is Good. To unwrap the Result, I have to use pattern matching for just the Good option. As a result I get a warning (not an error) that says "Incomplete pattern match on this expression..". Is there a way to unwrap is without having to use pattern matching?

If, in many cases, you know that the result is Good I'd reconsider the design instead of 'casting' to Good all the time.CaringDev
Another way to put it: if the result is always Good and never Bad, why return a type that could be either? Just return whatever value is wrapped by Good directly. The top-rated answer suggests introducing potential run-time failures and that's really a last-resort option.Asik

2 Answers


You can add methods to unions just like any other type, like this:

type Result =
    | Good of bool
    | Bad of bool
        member x.GoodValue =
            match x with
            | Good b -> b
            | Bad _ -> failwith "Not a good value"

let main argv = 

    let r = Good true
    let s = Bad true

    printfn "%A" r.GoodValue
    printfn "%A" s.GoodValue // You know what happens..!


You can just use let, e.g.

type Result =
    | Good of bool 
    | Bad of bool

let example = Good true

let (Good unwrappedBool) = example

Note that this will still result in a compiler warning that the match cases might be incomplete.

Technically, however, this is still using pattern matching, just doing so without a match expression.