As you've discovered, the DU value names (Valid
and Invalid
in your example), used in pattern matches, are also the constructors of those respective cases. It is not possible to do what you're asking for, to hide one and expose the other. A different approach is needed.
One approach might be to do what Anton Schwaighofer suggests, and embed all the possible operations on your email addresses inside a dedicated module:
module EmailAddress =
type EmailAddress =
| Valid of string
| Invalid of string
let createEmailAddress (address:System.String) =
if address.Length > 0
then Valid address
else Invalid address
let isValid emailAddress =
match emailAddress with
| Valid _ -> true
| Invalid _ -> false
// Deliberately incomplete match in this function
let extractEmailOrThrow (Valid address) = address
let tryExtractEmail emailAddress =
match emailAddress with
| Valid s -> Some s
| Invalid _ -> None
See Scott Wlaschin's "Designing with types" series, and in particular (and the gist he references at the end of that). I'd really recommend reading from the beginning of the series, but I've linked the most relevant one.
BUT... I would suggest a different approach, which is to ask why you want to enforce the use of those constructor functions. Are you writing a library for general-purpose use by beginning programmers, who can't be trusted to follow the directions and use your constructor function? Are you writing just for yourself, but you don't trust yourself to follow your own directions? OR... are you writing a library for reasonably-competent programmers who will read the comment at the top of the code and actually use the constructor functions you've provided?
If so, then there's no particular need to enforce hiding the DU names. Just document the DU like so:
module EmailAddress =
/// Do not create these directly; use the `createEmailAddress` function
type EmailAddress =
| Valid of string
| Invalid of string
let createEmailAddress (address:System.String) =
if address.Length > 0
then Valid address
else Invalid address
Then go ahead and write the rest of your code. Worry about getting your model right first, then you can worry about whether other programmers will use your code wrong.