
We are running an On-Premise version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Our extact version is:

Microsoft Dynamics® CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) ( (DB

I would like to export the Accounts and Contacts entities with the associated NOTES fields. But under the advanced find tool, I do not see that field as an available option when trying to export.

How can I accomplish this?

My goal is to export the required entities to an Excel Spreadsheet for import into another database system.

When you mean Notes - is that out of Box Notes or your custom fields?Arun Vinoth
The out of box Notes section. Not a custom field.Brian Fleishman
If you are using on-premise, it may be easier for you to write a sql query instead of using the (very limited) advanced find tool.Jacob H

1 Answers


Notes can be exported from Adv.Find separately like Accounts & Contacts. (Associated records wont export from Parent entity export). You have to filter the regarding entity only for Account/Contact to filter out other entity Notes.

At the end you will have 3 datasets (excel) with Accounts, Contacts, Notes which you can use it for import in destination. If you want the GUIDs of CRM records, make sure to check the checkbox for re-import - this will give hidden Id columns in exported excel - you can map for relationship.