
I want to migrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises 2015 to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 without use service Scribe or another service.

the steps I want to use is:

1 : export a special solution called the Default Solution. The Default Solution contains all the components in CRM and import in CRM Online.

2 : Export Data to Excel for all entities in CRM on-premises and import in CRM Online.

3 : map users CRM with AD Office 365.

Is this correct steps? Any another way to migrate or ideas ?

If your Online org is hosted in the North America region, you could use the new Data Loader service. Also be aware that you will not be able to migrate Attachments using Excel export/import. From my experience, you'll soon come to the point where you'll some sort of tool to migrate your data.Filburt

3 Answers


I think your steps are just right. Just be advised, CRM Online has new functionality not included in CRM 2015 on-premise, you do need to check that features.

For two reasons:

  • Something might stop working
  • Something might continue working but there's a new functionality in CRM Online that already does it without coding.

And I would add another step, check that all of the workflows are Active, after adding the users .


If you're attempting to migrate a small amount of data, you can use the Data Migration tool in the SDK. It's better than the Excel imports.


I also have the same task to migrate crm on premise organization to crm online organization. I also follow the same steps. Here are some of the things I have learned so far,

  • Plugins implemented in full trust mode did not worked in online environment because it only supports the sandbox mode for plugings.

  • It's better to use data migration tool such as MSCRM Toolkit. But unable to maintain to ownership of the record.