
I am working on objective c google analytics, I am getting error "GGLCore/GGLCore.h file not found Analytics.h". I followed this like to implement the code developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ios/v3/

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Pod file.

Pod file image

I encounter the same warning but my case is that I forget to add pods to my unit test. After adding pods to target 'MyProjectTest' and pod install, problem solved. To organize your pods with multiple targets, have a look at this.Michael Revlis
Thank u for your comment, i solved my self successfully.iOS
Would you like to share your case and how you solve it? Somebody might need it.Michael Revlis
Ok, i will share it....iOS

1 Answers


Initially i opened AppNamme.xcodeproj. But i used pods in my project. Later i opened AppName.xcworkspace.

And there is second chance to get this error is...

I manually added SDK. Later i removed all files and added through pods. Now the error gone...