
I'm using emacs version 25.2 on a MacBook Pro (OS X 10.12). When I try to export an org document to pdf, I get the message above. If I export to latex, it works OK, and I can then use pdflatex to create the pdf I expect. I must have set something wrong, but I can't work out what! Exporting to other formats, e.g., ODT, html, works as expected. Thanks very much!

Set the variable debug-on-error to t and try again. Then post the backtrace.NickD
You might find emacs.stackexchange.com a better venue for org-mode questions.brittAnderson
Thanks to Nick. I found the problem, and then used the settings provided by Britt.B. Shine

1 Answers


You might check the value of the variable org-latex-pdf-process. You can do that with C-h v. It may be doing something different than what you are doing by hand. Mine for example reads:

(setq org-latex-pdf-process '("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode %f" "biber %b" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode %f" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode --synctex=-1 %f"))