I'm a newbie of Neo4j and I'm working with a database provided by the examples (Link). I'm trying to create a new relatioship between each actor that acted in the same movie and I run this query
MATCH (p1:Actor)-[:ACTS_IN]->(:Movie)<-[:ACTS_IN]-(p2:Actor)
WHERE id(p1)>id(p2)
MERGE (p1)-[:ACTED_WITH]->(p2)
But for an unknown reason it creates just some relationships but not others. I've checked both the Node types and the Relationships types but seems that they are all the same, so the query should run correctly in all cases.
If you want to try this thing just download the DB from the link, run the query above, and check this two movies, with Avatar works but not worked with Hart's War
MATCH p=(a)-[]-()
WHERE a.title = "Hart's War" OR a.title="Avatar"
:play movies
? – InverseFalcondbms.allow_format_migration=true
to the configuration file of neo4j and he'll migrate the format for you! – user3351109