I am not sure how to phrase this question as I don't even know what it's called but I will try.
You can imagine that I have the following graph representation and relationships in my neo4j instance:
The question I want to ask Neo4j is the below: What are the movies that only Agency-A actors acted?
This is a simple sample though. In my case, I have thousands of actors who joined an agent and thousands of movies that an actor potentially acted.
PS: I would also appreciate if you can tell me the name of the thing I am trying to do :)
I was able to have something solid working. Here is the data set:
CREATE (AgencyA:Agency {name: 'Agency-A'})
CREATE (Actor1:Person {name: 'Actor-1'})
CREATE (Actor2:Person {name: 'Actor-2'})
CREATE (Actor3:Person {name: 'Actor-3'})
CREATE (Actor4:Person {name: 'Actor-4'})
CREATE (Actor5:Person {name: 'Actor-5'})
CREATE (MovieA:Movie {name: "Movie-A"})
CREATE (MovieB:Movie {name: "Movie-B"})
CREATE (MovieC:Movie {name: "Movie-C"})
Here is the query:
MATCH (agency:Agency {name:"Agency-A"})-[:ACQUIRED]->(actor:Person)<-[:EMPLOYED]-(movie:Movie)
RETURN distinct movie.name
The result:
which is not what I want to get out. What I am interested in is the movie where only Agency-A actors have been employed, not any other actor. So, the result should be: