I'm trying to use Interactive Grid for displaying a table with a large number of columns (150). The problem is that at about 80 columns (number varies with column names and types) the page starts showing the following message:
Error during rendering of region "Data Grid Test".
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
Technical Info (only visible for developers)
- is_internal_error: true
- ora_sqlcode: -6502 ora_sqlerrm: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
- component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES
- component.id: 135591000000002
- component.name: Data Grid Test
- error_backtrace: ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS", line 997
I presume that there is a finite yet unknown amount of fields/elements you can put in a row as I have encountered a similar error before: it was in APEX 5.0 with tabular forms that had too many display and LOV columns (especially with select lists mith large number of entries), none of which I use right now (also found the unanswered related question here). There doesn't seem to be a hard limit to a number of columns in the interactive data grid. Making the grid editable makes the number of columns before the error appears even smaller. So basically the question comes down to:
Is there a way to display and edit a table with large number of columns (150) using Interactive grid without running into the mentioned error?
Note that single row edit is not a solution for me tabular edit is a part of the requirements. Splitting the row editing into multiple forms/pages also isn't acceptable.