I am writing an iOS app in Swift for HLS live streaming. I want my app logic to be notified when each HLS segment request is initiated during playback (and what the respective URL is). I have tried to observe changes to various properties of AVPlayer and AVPlayerItem using KVO. Though, it only informs me of when the playback is initiated. For example, adding the following observer triggers a invocation of observeValue method when playback starts, but I have not found a way to be continuously notified of each segment request.
playerItem.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "status", options:NSKeyValueObservingOptions(), context: nil)
Is there a method with KVO that should allow me to be notified of each segment request? Are there other objects/API:s not related to AVFoundation that I should consider?
item don't have an event like onFragmentChange in hls.js – Udaya Sri