I want to iterate through a pcap file packet for packet using python/scapy. The file has multiple protocols. Current the iteration is protocol-specific, so the iteration makes a "jump" if the next packet is from another protocol. I don't know why it goes like this at the moment. I want packet for packet, no matter what protocol.
little example:
data = 'new.pcap'
zz = rdpcap(data)
sessions = zz.sessions()
for session in sessions:
for packet in sessions[session]:
eth_src = packet[Ether].src
eth_type = packet[Ether].type
if eth_src == "00:22:97:04:06:b9" and eth_type == 0x8100:
# do anything
elif eth_src == "00:22:97:04:06:b9" and eth_type == 0x22f0:
# do anything
# do anything
Does anyone know the reason?