I have one pcap file (~90M), and i want to replay that file. I came across scapy and it provides the way to read the pcap file and replay it. I tried following two ways to replay the packets
pkts = PcapReader(<filename>);
for pkt in pkts:
First one game me memory error, memory consumption of the python process went up to 3 gig and finally it died. But second option worked fine for me because it did not read the whole file into memory. I have following three question
Is 90M pcap file is too big for scapy to replay?
Whenever we use tcpdump/wireshark, every packet has its timestamp associated with it. Assume packet 1 came at time T and packet 2 came at time T+10, will scapy replay the packets in similar manner, first packet at time T and second at T+10? or it will just keep sending them in loop, i think later is the case with PcapReader.
If the answer is no for above question ( its just replay in loop, without considering the packet inter arrival time), do we have any other python library which can do this job for me? Even python is not the constraint for me.