I think I've exhausted my searches with Google. Before it gets suggested, and I know it will, I cannot update my stored procedure to do this because of how the data is returned. I have to do this calculation in the report.
My table is grouped by Service Month-Year and it's the only group. I have a column in the table that calculates a percentage and that expression works great (see below).=Sum(Fields!POSTED_AFTER_SVC_MO.Value,"SvcMo_Yr") / Sum(Fields!POSTED_IN_SVC_MO.Value,"SvcMo_Yr") + Sum(Fields!POSTED_AFTER_SVC_MO.Value,"SvcMo_Yr"))
What I'm unable to do is calculate a future percentage based on the results from the expression above.
In the example below, in order to get the future percentage for April 2017 (bottom table in image), I need to add the percentages for March through October and divide by 6. In Excel I use an Offset function to get those 6 rows but in SSRS I can't figure it out.
One thing I have been able to do is calculate the average percentage for each month using an indicator I added to my stored procedure. If there was a way that I could just sum these I would be home free. Adding a total row and an extra Sum in the expression below did not work.
=Sum(Avg(IIF(Fields!FUTURE_MNTH_1_CALC_IND.Value = 1, CDbl(Sum(Fields!POSTED_AFTER_SVC_MO.Value) / (Sum(Fields!POSTED_IN_SVC_MO.Value) + Sum(Fields!POSTED_AFTER_SVC_MO.Value))),Cdbl(0))))/6
Thank you in advance for any advice you can throw my way!