I would like to publish artefacts on my local Artifactory instance, with annotated Artifactory metatada, and with a version number based on a time-stamp for SNAPSHOT artefacts versions.
I tried to use the artifactory gradle plugin and the maven-publish plugin for this purpose.
However, it is (as far as I know) not possible to annotate Artifactory metadata while using the maven-publish plugin.
And if I use the artifactory gradle plugin, I get an error "Not enough permissions to overwrite artifact ..." while publishing two different SNAPSHOT versions of a given artefact.
In fact, the artifactoryPublish task tries to overwrite the existent artefact, instead of using a time-stamp.
To be noticed that my Artifactory repository is correctly set-up (Version number is based on a time-stamp). Thus, no errors are raised if I use the maven-publish plugin (the artefacts are published with a time-stamp, and no overwritting is done).
Is someone familiar with these issues?
I used a project example available here: https://github.com/JFrogDev/project-examples/tree/master/gradle-examples/4/gradle-example-minimal
Which I modified a bit to adapt it to my local configuration.
I am using the following artifactory plugin: org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle-uber:4.4.14