Is it possible to add a listener to "Choose" button in FileUpload component?
I use p:fileUpload in advanced mode.
I went through the documentation, it only supports fileUploadListener which is triggered after the "Upload" button clicked.(tried actionListener, validationListener too)
Version of PrimeFaces is 5.3.
Definition of p:fileUpload:
mode="advanced" dragDropSupport="false" update="@this toplumsgs"
sizeLimit="100000" fileLimit="1"
cancelLabel="İptal et" allowTypes="/(\.|\/)(xlsx)$/"
invalidSizeMessage="Dosya boyutu çok büyük"
invalidFileMessage="Dosya formatı xlsx olmalı"
fileLimitMessage="Sadece bir dosya yükleyebilirsiniz" />
Here is the image why I need it:
I basically want to clear validation error when the user clicks the choose button. Since the choose button is wrapped in fileUpload component, can't assign a listener to it.
Tried to tweak the code in this link and add a listener to button, but no success:
How to disable Choose button in PrimeFaces FileUpload until the upload is complete