
I have unexpected assertions faillures in my code using a checked STL implentation.

After some research, I narrowed down the problem to a push_back in a vector called from a different thread than the one in which the vector was created.

The simplest code to reproduce this problem is :

class SomeClass
        std::vector<int> theVector;
        SomeClass () 
            theVector.push_back(1); // Ok

        void add()
          theVector.push_back(1); // Crash 

The only difference is that SomeClass is instanciated from my main thread, and add is called from another thread. However, there is no concurency issue : in the simplest form of code I used for troubleshooting nobody is reading or writing from this vector except the cases I mentioned above.

Tracing into the push_back code, I noticed that some methods from std::vector like count() or size() return garbage, when it's called from the other thred (method "add"), and correct values when called from the creating thread (in the constructor for example)

Should I conclude that std::vector is not usable in a multithreaded environement ? Or is there a solution for this problem ?

EDIT : removed volatile

EDIT 2 : Do you think it's possible that the problem doesn't lie in multithread ? In my test run, add is called only once (verified using a break point). If I remove the push_back from the constructor, I still crashes. So in the end, even with only one call to a vector's method, in a function called once make the assertion fail. Therefore there can't be concurency, or ... ?

if there's indeed no concurrency vector should work. If there're 2 or more threads working with vector in parallel, this will not work.Drakosha
Are you in an environment where each thread has its own heap?JimR
-1: Your code can't even compile since push_back() is not declared as `volatile'. Can you provide a more detailed code/description?Yakov Galka
"Should I conclude that std::vector is not usable in a multithreaded environement ?" -- not at all, vector is not supposed to do any different in multi threaded application than it does in single threaded. In fact if you compare C++0x (which is thread-aware) vector isn't any different from C++97 (which isn't thread-aware). It's the responsibility of the application, and not the vector, to provide serialization where necessary. In your case I think your assertion that multi-threading has no role in observable behavior is likely to be false, do the proper locking instead of speculating.Gene Bushuyev
@JimR - and what would that be? Threads always share the same free store, which is thread-safe, it's the Standard requirement.Gene Bushuyev

4 Answers


std::vector definitely is usable in a multi-threaded environment, provided you don't access the vector from two threads at once. I do it all the time without trouble.

Since vector isn't the problem, you need to look more closely at your synchronization mechanism, as this is most likely the problem.

I noticed that you marked the vector as volatile. Do you expect that making it volatile will provide synchronization? Because it won't. See here for more information.

EDIT: Originally provided wrong link. This is now fixed. Sorry for confusion.


If you can guarantee that nobody is writing to or reading from the vector when you call push_back, there's no reason that it should fail. You could be dealing with higher-level memory corruption. You should verify that "this" points to a genuine instance of SomeClass, check it's other members, etc.


Most STL implementations are not thread safe. You'll need to use thread synchronization (e.g. mutex) to prevent both threads from stomping on each other while accessing the vector. Basically, what you will need to do is create a class that contains the vector and a mutex and accessor functions that protect the vector for both reading and writing operations.


Whether Standard Library supports multithreading is implementation defined. You have to read documentation for your specific compiler.

Additionaly what you can do is to add some log messages as in the following code:

class SomeClass
        volatile std::vector<int> theVector;
        SomeClass () 
            std::cout << "SomeClass::SomeClass" << std::endl;
            theVector.push_back(1); // Ok
        ~SomeClass ()
            std::cout << "SomeClass::~SomeClass" << std::endl;
        void add()
            std::cout << "SomeClass::add" << std::endl;

Make sure that instance of the SomeClass is still exists when you call add function.