I am working in a project where I have a generic service and repository layer. I'm using Automapper to map the DTOs to the entity models. One entity can have one or more DTOs. My problem is, how do I tell to my generic repository class which DTO should return to the service layer?
public class Entity
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string surname { get; set; }
public class Contract
public class EntityContract: Contract
public string name { get; set; }
public string surname { get; set; }
public class EntityPassportContract: Contract
public string name { get; set; }
public string surname { get; set; }
public string passport { get; set; }
Generic repository
public interface IGenericRepository<E, DTO>
where E : class
where DTO: class
List<DTO> findBy(Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> query = null, Func<IQueryable<DTO>, IOrderedQueryable<DTO>> orderBy = null,
Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> whereIn = null, int? page = null, int? sizePage = null);
Generic repository implementation
public abstract class GenericRepository<C, E, DTO> : IGenericRepository<T, DTO>
where E : class
where DTO: class
where C : IdentityDbContext<User>, new()
public virtual List<DTO> findBy(Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> query = null, Func<IQueryable<DTO>, IOrderedQueryable<DTO>> orderBy = null,
Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> whereIn = null, int? page = null, int? sizePage = null)
//...transform DTO queries to E queries and Get IQueriable<E> entity from database
DTO dtoEntity=entity.ProjectTo<DTO>();
return dtoEntity;
Generic service
public interface IService<E, DTO> : IService
where T: class
where DTO: class
List<DTO> findBy(Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> query = null, Func<IQueryable<DTO>, IOrderedQueryable<DTO>> orderBy = null,
Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> whereIn = null, int? page = null, int? sizePage = null);
Generic service implementation
public abstract class Service<E, DTO> : IService<T, DTO>
where E: class
where DTO: class
protected IGenericRepository<E, DTO> repository;
public Service(IGenericRepository<E, DTO> repository,)
this.repository = repository;
public virtual List<DTO> findBy(Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> query = null, Func<IQueryable<DTO>, IOrderedQueryable<DTO>> orderBy = null,
Expression<Func<DTO, bool>> whereIn = null, int? page = null, int? sizePage = null)
return repository.findBy(query, orderBy, whereIn, page, sizePage).ToList();
Entity repository and service
public interface IEntityRepository : IGenericRepository<Entity, Contract>
public class EntityRepository : GenericRepository<EntitiesDB, Entity, Contract>, IEntityRepository
public EntityRepository(IMapper mapper):base(mapper){ }
public interface IEntityService : IService<Entity, Contract>
public class EntityService : Service<Entity, Contract>, IEntityService
private IEntityRepository repo;
public EntityService(IEntityRepository repo) : base(repo)
this.repo = repo;
Controller I want to call the method findBy in the generic service and choose which DTO is going to return. The Contract class was part of my testing but it is not working. Do I have to use reflexion may be to pass each method in the service the type of DTO I want?
public class EntityController : ApiController
public EntityController(IEntityService entityService)
: base(entityService)
[Route("getEntityByFilter", Name = "getEntityByFilter")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> getEntityContract(string filter)
EntityContract entityContract=entityService.findBy(**Parameters**); //Need to call lambda expressions here so i think i need somehow the type.
return Ok(entityContract);
[Route("getEntityByFilter2", Name = "getEntityByFilter2")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> getEntityPassportContract(string filter)
EntityPassportContract entityPassportContract=entityService.findBy(**Parameters**); //Need to call lambda expressions here so i think i need somehow the type.
return Ok(entityPassportContract);
Thanks so much in advance! And I hope this question could help other people too!
Have a great weekend!