is it possible to use the Resources I defined in a in another UserControl, without using an extra file for a ResourceDictionary.
I have a UserControl "ViewCostumers" and in I define a DataTemplate with a ListView of all the customers. Now I write a UserCotnrol "ViewOverview" in which the same ListView shall appear. I would like keep the LsitView in the file "ViewCostumer" if somehow possible.
Thanks in advance
Edit: What I tried to do is that I keep the DataTempalte/ListView in the original file. Then I'd like to reference that file (wich is a UserControl) from another file (like a resource dictionary, only ViewCostumer is a UserControl:
< ResourceDictionary>
< ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries>
< ResourceDictionary Source="View/ViewCostumer.xaml" />
< /ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries>
< /ResourceDictionary>