I've been searching around if it is possible for an assembly to change the ResourceDictionary values from another assembly at runtime. So far I've found nothing. Here´s the deal. I have a UserControl that will work independently so it can be fit into different projects. My UserControl has its own Resources.xaml (Compiled as Resources). I have a second assembly that it used as a setup tool for this user control. It basically just reads the UserControl Resources.xaml (which is working great) and then replaces the values of the Resources.Xaml. Trouble is, I cannot change the resource values.
Here's the code I use on my setup tool to read the ResourceDictionary:
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Control;component/Configuration/Resources.xaml"/>
To change this values I've tried something like:
this.Resources.MergedDictionaries.First()["IsZoomable"] = false;
It does recognize the resources but it wont change it. Is it even possible to change the values of the dictionary of another assembly at runtime or will I need to create an external dictionary that can be acessed by both assemblies?
The user control contains the Resources.xaml. I've defined the Resources in this control like this:
<UserControl.Resources> <ResourceDictionary Source="Configuration/Resources.xaml"/> </UserControl.Resources>
The setup tool can acess this resources but I'm not able to change them. When I do, the user control still reads the old values. Resources are defined in the setup tool like so:
<Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Control;component/Configuration/Resources.xaml"/> </Window.Resources>