
Hey I'm just getting started with Haskell and I'm trying to write a programm that translates an input word by reading a .txt file that has some translations in it. Before that I've written a programm that lets a user put in translations.

import System.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Type in an english word"
  d <- getLine
  if null d
      then return ()
      else do
            putStrLn "Type in a german translation"
            b <- getLine
            putStrLn (d ++ " means in german " ++ b)
            appendFile "woerterbuch.txt" (", " ++ d ++ " " ++ b)

So now I've got the file woerterbuch.txt in which I have the english and german words listed like this: Hello Hallo, House Haus, ect. What I'm trying to do now is to get these words into Tuples so I can print the second (german) word if the user types in an english word.

import System.IO

    main :: IO()
    main = do
      putStrLn "Type in an english word"
      d <- getLine
      [contents] <- readFile "woerterbuch.txt"
      if d `elem` [contents]
          then do
            print contents
          else do
                  putStrLn "There's no translation available!"

This is what I've come up with after multiple tries, I understand that elem is for Lists so I need an alternative for my .txt file and then try to put out the second word of the tuple with the snd command. So firstly how can I create the translations input as tuples and secondly how can I test if the asked word is in this list and then print out the second element of the tuple it is part of. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1 Answers


I understand that elem is for Lists so I need an alternative

You could use Map.fromList to create a balanced-tree dictionary - Data.Map. Specifically,

import qualified Data.Map as Map 

main = do
    contents <- readFile "woerterbuch.txt"
    let ls = lines contents
    let ws = fmap words ls
    let m = Map.fromList [(t!!0, t!!1) | t <- ws, length t == 2]           

lets you use m as a dictionary.