
Problem Summary

After months of deploying, I've hit a snag with Firebase Cloud Functions.

firebase deploy --only functions --debug

Reveals a continual log dump of try and retry of Firebase Cloud Functions:

[functions] operation poll: [FUNCTION NAME] update operations/[LONG STRING] is not done

After about 15 minutes this process quits. From the Cloud Functions log, I see several errors, all stating:

Operation interrupted.

How did I get into this state?

I was mid-deploy and quit mid-update. Since then, I can no longer recover.

What version of Firebase CLI


Expected result

Ability to deploy Firebase Cloud Functions.

What else have I tried?

  1. Logging out and back in again.
  2. Updating Cloud Functions code and re-dploy
  3. Updating Firebase CLI
Appears related to our Cloud Function code. I commented out a large block of code and was able to deploy again. I believe the "How did I get into this state?" was a red herring.Jeff
I am getting the same error in all my functions, even in a test function with just a return line. They are working fine locally. Did you figure out the problem?EmilioSG

1 Answers


Have a look at this post; Cloud Functions for Firebase deploy interrupted There are currently cloud function deployment issues. You can check the status here; https://status.firebase.google.com/