I am facing problem with deploying cloud function in firebase CLI. I have cloned the "functions-samples" repo from github and then ran the deploy command in "quickstarts/big-ben" project of this repo. I ran these following command as instructed:
cd functions
npm install
cd ..
firebase deploy
After that my I got this output in my power shell
=== Deploying to 'fire-campus'...
i deploying functions, hosting
i functions: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
i runtimeconfig: ensuring necessary APIs are enabled...
+ runtimeconfig: all necessary APIs are enabled
! functions: missing necessary APIs. Enabling now...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
i functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
Error: Timed out waiting for APIs to enable. Please try again in a few minutes.
I have enabled these APIs in google cloud platform- Firebase Remote Congig API, Firebase Rules API, Google Cloud RuntimeConfig API.
What else I need to enable to activate the required APIs in firebase CLI? Do I need to signup for google cloud function. I dont have payment option that requires in the signup form.
functions: waiting for APIs to activate...
lines after trying to deploy an app for the first time, and after trying again 5 minutes later, it went through. – ABabin