
Using Kendo DropdownList for MVC, trying to identify why the DropdownList will not accept this data.

         .Name("CompanyList") //The name of the DropDownList is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the widget.
         .DataSource(source =>
            source.Custom()   //  Read(read =>
            .Transport(transport =>
                    transport.Read("GetallCompanies", "Home");

            .ServerFiltering(true); //If true, the DataSource will not filter the data on the client.
        .SelectedIndex(0) //Select the first item.


The raw data from the SQL action has this format:

"{\"Table\":[{\"ORG_ID\":265498,\"COMPORGID\":239597,\"COM_NAME\":\"ABC Rentals \"},{\"ORG_ID\":164929,\"COMPORGID\":239698,\"COM_NAME\":\"Asbury Machine Shop \"}]}"

Have referenced the Kendo docs and other SO examples. Put the JSON into a validator tool, says its correctly formatted.

In the page, the drop down has a left curly brace, { as the top item, and when clicking there are dozens of: Undefined.

The DataTextField was called "Table" because of the "Table" in the JSON array, but it was set to COM_NAME. The Controller Method,

    public JsonResult GetallCompanies()
        var ddx = CompInfo.GetAllCompanies(); //returns dataset
        string thedata = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ddx);
        return Json(thedata, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
What does ddx get from CompInfo.GetAllCompanies()?Shai
Originally it was returning the JSON shown there starting with "Table\", but per the answer I changed it to take out the SerializeObject, so now it returns a DataSet with a single Table[0] and many rows.rogersbra1

2 Answers


I don't think you need to use SerializeObject on ddx aswell as the Json method before returning to the client. Can you try changing GetAllCompanies to:

public JsonResult GetallCompanies()
    var ddx = CompInfo.GetAllCompanies(); //returns dataset
    //string thedata = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ddx);
    return Json(ddx);

Summary of the Json method:

Creates a Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.JsonResult object that serializes the specified data object to JSON.


Try this:

  1. Server-side: Leave the JsonConvert.SerializeObject line commented out.

  2. Client-side: Add the following to the DropDownList configuration (e.g. after .SelectedIndex(0)):

    .Schema(schema => schema.Data("Table"))