
I encountered a problem as described in the topic.

I use dropDownList from Kendo UI


that connects with the dataSource(data from database) with Ajax.

Now the dropdownList is getting the data without any problems if I place the method in the same controller as the view. But at first it was placed in another controller and I was getting the data only if I initialized that controller in some other view.

Here is the method:

        public ActionResult GetGroups()
        var list = new List<string>();

        foreach (var item in _repositorySpisGrup.Select())

        return Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Could anyone tell me why that is ?

And to avoid this problem where should I put my action method that may be called from many different views ?



Code for the dropdown (placed in partialView):

            .DataSource(source =>
                source.Read(read =>
                    read.Action("GetGroups", ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller"));

Like I said this is a working code because I copied the Action method to the same controller as the view. The problem is when I take Json data from another controller.

Whats the code for your dropdown?user3559349
It doesn't work when you use read.Action("GetGroups", "Controller2"); ? Verify your ajax request with Fiddler.nZeus
Everything is fine with you Action method. Check the generated ajax url + ajax requestnZeus
@nZeus eh... I figured out what the problem was. I didn't notice this at first. The action method was placed before in a controller that has [Authorize] atribute and I was calling the method from a place where I was not authorized. Well.. people learn from their mistakes. Anyway thanks for the help :)Mateusz Migała
Ah, ok. I think you should post an answer for your question and mark it as an answernZeus

1 Answers


I figured out what the problem was. I didn't notice this at first. The action method was placed before in a controller that has [Authorize] atribute and I was calling the method from a place where I was not authorized. No error was thrown so this was pretty difficult to find.