
I am running my reactjs app and getting a warning in my console:

Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of AppointmentsContainer

My component looks like this:

export default class AppointmentsContainer extends Component {

    constructor(props) {

    render() {
        //todo remove

        let appointments = mockData.data;

        return (
                //loop through the appointments
                    //todo remove
                    //console.log('testing=a', a);
                    return <p><Appointment key={i}/></p>

I am passing in a key now but still the warning comes up? How can I fix this?

The key should be on the p tag, not the appointment tagnoveyak
Prefer a unique property of the appointment object over the i index for better performance.hazardous

2 Answers


You need to put the key in the p element instead of Appointment. Since Appointment is the only child of p, it does not need a key.


Adding a key will not perform any extra functionality but still to remove the warning you can replace your code with

  return <p  key={i}><Appointment/></p>

Or you can keep change your code to


                //loop through the appointments
                    //todo remove
                    //console.log('testing=a', a);
                    return <Appointment key={i}/>


And in Appointment component you can access it as
