
I'm getting 3 warnings:

  1. Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. in table in div (created by ModalBody) in ModalBody
  2. Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. in tr in thead in table
  3. Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. in tr in tbody in table

I've function which set data to observable variable. I've set key on outer element when use map but I still get this warning again and again.

In render function:

   onClick={() => this.getFieldHistory(field.name, 123, "123-123123-12")}

 <Modal backdrop='static' autoFocus={true} show={this.showModal} onHide={this.closeModal}>
   <Modal.Header closeButton></Modal.Header>

function which get promise from service and set tbody content to observable variable:

    getFieldHistory(fieldName: string, subDeedId: number, guid: string): any {

    this.reportsDataService.getFieldHistory(fieldName, subDeedId, guid).then(fieldHistory => {

      runInAction.bind(this)(() => {
        this.modalBody = (
          <table className="table table-striped">
              fieldHistory.map((history, idx) => {
                return (
                  <tr key={history.date.unix().toString()}>
                    <td>{history.fieldName}  </td>

          this.showModal = true;

Thanks in advance!

try adding key value to <table className="table table-striped" key="someuniqueid">Jeffin
tried, but still doesn't workYunay Hamza
If this <tr key={idx}> does not work, your error is coming from elsewhere.Ted
agree with Ted, Can you provide codepen or codesandbox link?Jeffin
I found workaround, but still doesnt know what was the problem. Maybe I have to use more separated on components code. Thanks!Yunay Hamza

2 Answers


try adding the unique iterator index as a key: <tr key={idx}>


I fixed my warnings with separating of my render logic.

 getFieldHistory(fieldName: string, subDeedId: number, guid: string): any {

    this.reportsDataService.getFieldHistory(fieldName, subDeedId, guid).then(fieldHistory => {

        runInAction.bind(this)(() => {
            this.modalBody = (<FieldHistoryResultUI data={fieldHistory} title={this.getResource(fieldHistory[0].fieldName)} />);

            this.showModal = true;

const FieldHistoryResultUI = (props: any) => {
    return (
    <table className="table table-striped">
            {props.data.map((history: any, idx: number) => {
                return (<FieldHistoryRow key={idx} data={history} />);

const FieldHistoryRow = (props: any) => {
      return (<tr><td>{props.data.date.format()}</td><td>{props.data.fieldName}</td></tr>);