We have a function that inserts an element into a specific index of a list.
Fixpoint inject_into {A} (x : A) (l : list A) (n : nat) : option (list A) :=
match n, l with
| 0, _ => Some (x :: l)
| S k, [] => None
| S k, h :: t => let kwa := inject_into x t k
in match kwa with
| None => None
| Some l' => Some (h :: l')
The following property of the aforementioned function is of relevance to the problem (proof omitted, straightforward induction on l
with n
not being fixed):
Theorem inject_correct_index : forall A x (l : list A) n,
n <= length l -> exists l', inject_into x l n = Some l'.
And we have a computational definition of permutations, with iota k
being a list of nats [0...k]
Fixpoint permute {A} (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match l with
| [] => [[]]
| h :: t => flat_map (
fun x => map (
fun y => match inject_into h x y with
| None => []
| Some permutations => permutations
) (iota (length t))) (permute t)
The theorem we're trying to prove:
Theorem num_permutations : forall A (l : list A) k,
length l = k -> length (permute l) = factorial k.
By induction on l
we can (eventually) get to following goal: length (permute (a :: l)) = S (length l) * length (permute l)
. If we now simply cbn
, the resulting goal is stated as follows:
(fun x : list A =>
(fun y : nat =>
match inject_into a x y with
| Some permutations => permutations
| None => []
end) (iota (length l))) (permute l)) =
length (permute l) + length l * length (permute l)
Here I would like to proceed by destruct (inject_into a x y)
, which is impossible considering x
and y
are lambda arguments. Please note that we will never get the None
branch as a result of the lemma inject_correct_index
How does one proceed from this proof state? (Please do note that I am not trying to simply complete the proof of the theorem, that's completely irrelevant.)
Lemma eq_map X Y (f g : X -> Y) l : (forall x, f x = g x) -> map f l = map g l. Proof. intros h_eq; induction l as [|x l ihl]; [easy|]. now simpl; rewrite h_eq, ihl. Qed.
and similarly forflat_map
. This way, you can assert the needed extensional equality. – ejgallego