I tried to resolve my problem all this morning but I didn't find the solution anywhere.
I have a Symfony project and I use Assetic for my css and js files.
Till today when I ran php bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod
, it worked fine.
But now I have this error :
[Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLocatorFileNotFoundException] The file "C:\wamp\www\PLIE08\app/config/config_=prod.yml" does not exist.
I don't understand why it adds =
in my file.
Moreover, after running this command I realized that a folder called "=prod" is created in var/cache in addition to the dev and prod folder.
I tried to update, install composer, clear the cache, look in config file if something was wrong but I'm still blocked...
Somebody can tell me why it searchs the bad file ?