
My dev environment works correctly. But when I switch to production I get this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException'

with message

'The stream or file "C:/wamp/www/merlin/Symfony/app/logs/prod.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: No such file or directory' in C:\wamp\www\merlin\app\cache\prod\classes.php on line 4958

What is wrong ?

I have my app folder in C:/wamp/www/merlin/app/ why symfony search files in C:/wamp/www/merlin/Symfony/app ?

Have you tried clearing the cache ?greg0ire

1 Answers


Is file C:/wamp/www/merlin/Symfony/app/logs/prod.log exists? If no, try to create them manually. Also, for testing, change permissions of this file to 777 and permissions of C:/wamp/www/merlin/Symfony/app/logs dir to 777 too. Then try to manually remove all cache in C:/wamp/www/merlin/Symfony/app/cache dir.