I have created a ListView in QML, and I want to be able to implement something like an active item, using an QAbstractListModel as the model that the QML uses. To be more specific, I am using a generic object model, as described in the answer to this question. However, in my QML delegate I have something like this:
id: itemDlgt
id: rec
width: 50
height: 50
color: "#645357"
property bool itemActive: false
AbstractItem //AbstractItem is the class that my object model uses. Its only property is a boolean value
id: s
anchors.fill: parent
s.status = !s.status
itemActive= s.status // using this to trigger onItemActiveChanged
if (itemActive == true)
rec.color = "#823234"
rec.color = "#645357"
What I want to do, is have only one item in the ListView to hold a true value at a time. As soon as another item is clicked, I want to set the AbstractItem of the previously selected item to false, then set the AbstractItem of the new item to true.
Of course, I could use something like this:
id: view
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
model: myAbstractModel
delegate: itemDlgt
spacing: 5
focus: true //using focus could allow to highlight currently selected item,
//by using ListView.isCurrentItem ? "blue": "red"
But this doesn't seem to work with a QAbstractListModel, since neither arrow keys, nor clicking on an item seems to highlight the current item.
In addition, I want that item to be highlighted again, in the event that the ListView is forced to reset itself from the c++ side, when I use beginResetModel() and endResetModel(). If I were using a QAbstractListModel as described in Qt Documentation, I would be able to do that easily, by saving the index of the selected item, and storing it until a new item was selected. In other words, something like this:
//somewhere in QAbstractListModel's subclass .h file
int x; // temporary storage for keeping currently selected item
//QAbstractListModel's subclass .cpp file
changeCurrentItem(int index) // function that gets called when user selects an item
//Checking if x has a value, If not, I simply set the
//needed item's value to true, and then set x to the value of index.
//Else do the following...
x = index;
But I was facing several issues when I was using that, which is the reason why I decided to use a generic object model, which seems to be more flexible.
Finally, I want to be able to send a signal to the c++ side of the code whenever the currently selected item changes, which is trivial with a MouseArea, but I know not of a method to do that using the ListView's focus property, should that be an option.
To make long things short, this is my question in a few words:
Am I missing something in regards to QML code, that would allow me to highlight the currently selected item, while also being able to keep it active after reseting ListView, and being able to send a signal to c++ when it changes? If not, is there a way to implement a function inside my generic object model, that keeps track of the currently selected item, so that I can highlight it?