I am trying to create an EBS encrypted volume. If I keep encryption as False, it works as expected, when I turn it to True, a response with Http header 200 is returned, I get everything on my python console, but in reality the volume doesn't get created.
I think I lack IAM policies, what could be the required policies as I am not going to get IAM Full Access.
This is the response
{u'AvailabilityZone': 'ap-south-1a', 'ResponseMetadata': {'RetryAttempts': 0, 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'RequestId': '1c51475f-592c-4d78-bc31-242132b820ae', 'HTTPHeaders': {'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'AmazonEC2', 'content-type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'date': 'Fri, 28 Apr 2017 07:09:38 GMT'}}, u'Encrypted': True, u'VolumeType': 'standard', u'VolumeId': 'vol-0fbbd415077636557', u'State': 'creating', u'SnapshotId': '', u'CreateTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 28, 7, 9, 38, 612000, tzinfo=tzutc()), u'Size': 1}
If Encrypted=False, it works fine