
I am working with an AWS Lambda function written in python 2.7x which downloads, saves to /tmp , then uploads the image file back to bucket.

My image meta data starts out in original bucket with http headers like Content-Type= image/jpeg, and others.

After saving my image with PIL, all headers are gone and I am left with Content-Type = binary/octet-stream

From what I can tell, image.save is loosing the headers due to the way PIL works. How do I either preserve metadata or at least apply it to the new saved image?

I have seen post suggesting that this metadata is in exif but I tried to get exif info from original file and apply to saved file with no luck. I am not clear of it's in exif data anyway.

Partial code to give idea of what I am doing:

def resize_image(image_path):
    with Image.open(image_path) as image:
    image.save(upload_path, optimize=True)

def handler(event, context):
    global upload_path
    for record in event['Records']:
        bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name']
        key = urllib.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'].encode("utf8"))

        download_path = '/tmp/{}{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(), file_name)
        upload_path = '/tmp/resized-{}'.format(file_name)

        s3_client.download_file(bucket, key, download_path)

        s3_client.upload_file(upload_path, '{}resized'.format(bucket), key)

Thanks to Sergey, I changed to using get_object but response is missing Metadata:

response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket,Key=key)

response= {u'Body': , u'AcceptRanges': 'bytes', u'ContentType': 'image/jpeg', 'ResponseMetadata': {'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'RetryAttempts': 0, 'HostId': 'au30hBMN37/ti0WCfDqlb3t9ehainumc9onVYWgu+CsrHtvG0u/zmgcOIvCCBKZgQrGoooZoW9o=', 'RequestId': '1A94D7F01914A787', 'HTTPHeaders': {'content-length': '84053', 'x-amz-id-2': 'au30hBMN37/ti0WCfDqlb3t9ehainumc9onVYWgu+CsrHtvG0u/zmgcOIvCCBKZgQrGoooZoW9o=', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'expires': 'Sun, 01 Jan 2034 00:00:00 GMT', 'server': 'AmazonS3', 'last-modified': 'Fri, 23 Dec 2016 15:21:56 GMT', 'x-amz-request-id': '1A94D7F01914A787', 'etag': '"9ba59e5457da0dc40357f2b53715619d"', 'cache-control': 'max-age=2592000,public', 'date': 'Fri, 23 Dec 2016 15:21:58 GMT', 'content-type': 'image/jpeg'}}, u'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 23, 15, 21, 56, tzinfo=tzutc()), u'ContentLength': 84053, u'Expires': datetime.datetime(2034, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), u'ETag': '"9ba59e5457da0dc40357f2b53715619d"', u'CacheControl': 'max-age=2592000,public', u'Metadata': {}}

If I use: metadata = response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPHeaders']

metadata = {'content-length': '84053', 'x-amz-id-2': 'f5UAhWzx7lulo3cMVF8hdVRbHnhdnjHWRDl+LDFkYm9pubjL0A01L5yWjgDjWRE4TjRnjqDeA0U=', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'expires': 'Sun, 01 Jan 2034 00:00:00 GMT', 'server': 'AmazonS3', 'last-modified': 'Fri, 23 Dec 2016 15:47:09 GMT', 'x-amz-request-id': '4C69DF8A58EF3380', 'etag': '"9ba59e5457da0dc40357f2b53715619d"', 'cache-control': 'max-age=2592000,public', 'date': 'Fri, 23 Dec 2016 15:47:10 GMT', 'content-type': 'image/jpeg'}

Saving with put_object

s3_client.put_object(Bucket=bucket+'resized',Key=key, Metadata=metadata, Body=downloadfile) 

creates a whole lot of extra metadata in s3 including the fact that it does not save content-type as image/jpeg but rather as binary/octet-stream and it does create metadata x-amz-meta-content-type = image/jpeg


2 Answers


You are confusing S3 metadata, stored by AWS S3 along with an object, and EXIF metadata, stored inside the file itself.

download_file() doesn't get object attributes from S3. You should use get_object() instead: https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/s3.html#S3.Client.get_object

Then you can use put_objects() with the same attributes to upload new file: https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/s3.html#S3.Client.put_object


Content type information is not on the file you upload, it has to be guessed or extracted somehow. This is something you must do manually or using tools. With a fairly small dictionary you can guess most file types.

When you upload a file or object, you have the chance to specify its content type. Otherwise S3 defaults to application/octet-stream.

Using the boto3 python package for instance:

        "ContentType": "image/jpeg"