
I'm trying to copy one partitioned table into another one. According to the docs, this should be possible.

If you want to copy a partitioned table into another partitioned table, the partition specifications for the source and destination tables must match.

To test, I created two partitioned tables (partition1 & partition2) with the same schema. I pushed 3 records into partition $20170101 on the partition1 table:

echo '{"a":1, "b":2}' | bq insert '<removed>.partition1$20170101'
echo '{"a":1, "b":2}' | bq insert '<removed>.partition1$20170101'
echo '{"a":1, "b":2}' | bq insert '<removed>.partition1$20170101'

That looks good:

enter image description here

Next, I pushed 2 records into the partition2 table and to the same partition ($20170101):

echo '{"a":1, "b":2}' | bq insert '<removed>.partition2$20170101'
echo '{"a":1, "b":2}' | bq insert '<removed>.partition2$20170101'

Again, this looks good:

enter image description here

Now, I want to copy append partition2 into partition1. I would expect to see 5 records in partition1 under the $20170101 partition:

bq cp --append_table <removed>.partition2 <removed>.partition1
Waiting on bqjob_r6d160e17a3b7b733_0000015bb238aa54_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE   
Tables '<removed>.partition2' successfully copied to '<removed>.partition1'

However, partition1 still only has 3 records in it.

What am I doing wrong?

I cannot confirm this behavior! I just did all exactly the same steps you described (but in UI) and got expected result - 5 records. Can you double check if you do all as you described?Mikhail Berlyant
How did you copy in the UI?. It doesn't allow it if the table already exist. It has to be done via the API...Graham Polley
good point. I am not using Google Web UI. The UI that we are using implements all via API calls - so technically it was via API. but it shouldn't matter for the issue you raised, I think. Unless it is an issue with bq command line toolMikhail Berlyant
I used the CLI tool - bq cp --append_table <removed>.partition2 <removed>.partition1 - it definitely does not work. I triple checked.Graham Polley
yes, i got it. I mentioned in my last comment that it is potentially the issue with bq cliMikhail Berlyant

2 Answers


This is a bug in the version of the gcloud tool I had installed. I updated it, and then it worked as expected.


gcloud components update


I have tried the command something like this from gcloud and it works -->

bq cp -a '<source_project>:<source_dataset>.<source_table>$20180605' <destination_project>:<destination_dataset>.<destination_table> 

and it works perfiectly fine.... Note:- In the command above , destination partition value/information need not be mentioned. It automatically fetches from source partition data/value.