We've started migrating to using partitioned tables in BigQuery. We've noticed that copying a partitioned table takes considerably longer than a non-partitioned table - in every case. I'm sure there is a very good reason for this e.g. because of the underlying architecture of BigQuery & partitioned tables.
For example (copying in same project & to the same dataset):
Non-partitioned table:
- Size: 15GB, 87M rows
- Copy time: 3 seconds
- Job id: bquijob_64e11150_15b373c714a
Partitioned table:
- Size: 15GB, 87M rows (same table as above, but partitioned)
- Copy time: 16 minutes
- Job id: bquijob_6bae14c3_15b373e623d
Is there a trick/workaround to speed up copying partitioned tables in BigQuery?