
I came here to see if this issue can be fixed. I had all my images stored in my /media/ folder but I put it on an Azure Blob Storage and it works fine.

Actually when I try to delete one of my old custom media content with images I get this error and I can't delete any of the medias uploaded before change it to Azure Blob Storage:

ERROR ImageProcessor.Web.HttpModules.ImageProcessingModule - 
ImageProcessor.Common.Exceptions.ImageProcessingException: ProcessImageAsync 597 : No image exists at D:\home\site\wwwroot\media\1034\case-659x420.jpg

Can somebody tell me what 's happening? Thank you

EDIT1 This is the image on my blob. Umbraco Stores the image full path somewhere?

EDIT 2 This is the error on BO.

Are you using a custom Umbraco FilesSystemProvider to go with ImageProcessor?James South
Yes. I'm using FilesSystemProvider <Provider alias="media" type="Our.Umbraco.FileSystemProviders.Azure.AzureBlobFileSystem, Our.Umbraco.FileSystemProviders.Azure"> with <add key="useDefaultRoute" value="true"/> I don't know if this caould be the issue.ArlanG
Cool I wrote that. useDefaultRoute shouldn't be a problem... You're using the virtual path provider yeah? Umbraco should only be preserving the relative path so I'm not sure why it would be searching the file system.James South
@JamesSouth where can I find the virtual path provider? All db urls have relative path so I really don't know...ArlanG
It should be automatic but check your configs here. github.com/JimBobSquarePants/…James South

1 Answers


Actually when I try to delete one of my old custom media content with images I get this error and I can't delete any of the medias uploaded before change it to Azure Blob Storage:

According to your description and error message, I guess the causing of the exception is you don't change the app settings in the web config.

I suggest you could try to add below codes in the web config's appsetting and try again.

<add key="AzureBlobFileSystem.DisableVirtualPathProvider" value="true" />

I think this will work well. enter image description here