
I'm trying to copy a VM image to a blob storage. The image is located on Azure (Home > Images). This image doesn't have "Source blob URI".

I created a new blob storage and under it, I created a container. Then when I go to my container, it seems that I can upload an image from my local system - but I need to upload an image which is located on Azure (Home > Images).

Someone told me that I can use azcopy command, and I found this article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-use-azcopy-blobs

but it seems that with this azcopy command you can only upload an image from the local system, and not an image which is located on Azure.

Does anybody know how I can copy this image to my blob storage?



1 Answers


Currently the only way you could store that image in blobs would be to create a VM from that image, then download its VHD(tutorial here) to store it in Blob storage/local system before doing any customization.