I created an Amazon Alexa skill that has one intent (MyIntent) and two custom slot types (SlotA and SlotB). The intent schema looks like that:
"intents": [
"intent": "Foo",
"slots": [
"name": "CustomA",
"type": "CUSTOM_A"
"name": "CustomB",
"type": "CUSTOM_B"
Each slot has a couple of values, like SlotA having
and SlotB having
My sample utterances look like that:
MyIntent foo bar {SlotA}
MyIntent bar baz {SlotB}
MyIntent {SlotA}
MyIntent {SlotB}
The problem is, that Alexa doesn't recognize some of my slot values, like "bed", but does recognize others like "kitchen". This applies to both slot types.
The interesting thing is, that all values get recognized, if I keep only the simple sample utterances and remove the ones including phrases and my sample utterances look like that:
MyIntent {SlotA}
MyIntent {SlotB}
The order of the values or the sample utterances is irrelevant. I tried every combination. Also having two slots (combining all slot values in one) does not make any difference.
Why are the sample utterances with phrases blocking the recognition of some of the slot values?
By "doesn't recognize" I mean the user's input is not mapped to MyIntent. While being in a dialog (session) I just get a SessionEndedRequest.