I am building a skill where user is required say his date of birth.
some examples are what he could say for this
- September twenty fifth nineteen eighty seven
- Fourth January nineteen ninety
- Four January two thousand four
- Four January two zero zero four
- March Fifteen two thousand one
I have used AMAZON.DATE for the slots. Alexa is failing to resolve the date in-fact, it fails to resolve the intent it self and its response is always
"I don't know that one"
below are the sample utterances I have used for this intent
DateOfBirth my date of birth is {dob}
DateOfBirth {dob} is my date of Birth
DateOfBirth {dob} is my birth date
DateOfBirth birth date is {dob}
DateOfBirth it is {dob}
DateOfBirth {dob}
What can I do to make it work?