In convolutional Neural Networks, How to know the output of a specific conv layer? (I am using keras to build a CNN model)
For example if I am using one dimensional conv layer, where number_of_filters=20, kernel_size=10, and input_shape(500,1)
cnn.add(Conv1D(20,kernel_size=10,strides=1, padding="same",activation="sigmoid",input_shape=(Dimension_of_input,1)))
and if I am using two dimensional conv layer, where number_of_filters=64, kernal_size=(5,100), input_shape= (5,720,1) (height,width,channel)
Conv2D(64, (5, 100),
what is the number of output in the above two conv layers? Is there any equation that can be used to know the number of outputs of a conv layer in convolution neural network?