I'm trying to build some PDFs in a Makefile using Sphinx. The resulting PDF has broken references, so I want to fix those using pdftk.
So what I want to do for all PDFs I build is this:
# Creates the PDF files.
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pdf $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) source/pdf/ $(BUILDDIR)/pdf_broken
# Go through all PDFs and fix them.
pdftk $(BUILDDIR)/pdf_broken/thepdf.pdf output $(BUILDDIR)/pdf/thepdf.pdf
Attempt with Make
So to do this with Make I have written this Makefile:
# Build PDF (results in broken references)
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pdf $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) source/pdf/ $(BUILDDIR)/pdf_broken
# This fixes the broken pdfs and produces the final result.
$(BUILDDIR)/pdf/%.pdf: $(BUILDDIR)/pdf_broken/%.pdf
mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/pdf/
pdftk $^ output $@
pdf: $(BUILDDIR)/pdf/%.pdf
Expected result
I'm using Pattern matching as I understand it from reading the manual: http://www.tack.ch/gnu/make-3.82/make_91.html
Where $<
as I understand it should be the prerequisite expanded so from my above example:
and then $@
should be the target:
So my recipe pdftk $^ output $@
should run the command:
pdftk $(BUILDDIR)/pdf_broken/thepdf.pdf output $(BUILDDIR)/pdf/thepdf.pdf
Actual result
But this is not what is happening. Instead, this is run:
pdftk build/pdf_broken/%.pdf output build/pdf/%.pdf
Which obviously gives me an error:
Error: Unable to find file.
Error: Failed to open PDF file:
So my question is, what have I missundestood with how the pattern matching works, and how is the correct way to solve this using Make?
, but aside from that how is make supposed to know which files will ultimately be created considering it has no idea about the output of sphinx? – user657267