
I am running Xcode 8.3 , but I don't seem to have the San Francisco font present.

I already download it from https://developer.apple.com/fonts/ and install it. I can see it when I open Font Book on my mac.

Are there any additional steps to add the font inside Xcode ?

edit: I am designing my app in Interface Builder so I need to have the font in Xcode to see how it looks when I run it.

Please clarify your question. Are you trying to add the font to Xcode on your Mac or are you trying to add the font in an iOS app you are creating?rmaddy
Well I want to add it to my app that I am making. But doesn't that mean I need to have it in Xcode ?Adrian

3 Answers


Yes, you need to include it in your plist. There should be a plenty of threads with that. This might help you


If you are targeting iOS 9 or later San Francisco is the default font. Usage in swift 3 UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)


Had a similar issue for an ios application built with React native. Using react-native link did not resolve my issue. The font assets where in the Resources folder and in Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources yet the issue persisted. It was only resolved after I added the relative path to the actual fonts assets in my case ../lib/assets/fonts to my plist under Application fonts resource path

An image of the relecvant section of my Info.plist

Don't forget about: Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources